E Business Assignment 4 Essay

Submitted By global82
Words: 291
Pages: 2

Assignment 4 – Technology Adoption

To relate technology adoption models to the ability to meet business objectives within professional industries

Demonstrate the ability to evaluate emerging technologies for use within business
Explain the appropriateness of an adoption model for the purpose of meeting business objectives


Get into groups based on your interest in the following technologies:
3D Displays
Geo-location (and Proximity)
Artificial Intelligence

Mobile/cloud computing
Quantum computing
You will use this chosen technology as the basis for your work for this assignment, so make sure that you pick a technology that is both interesting and relevant to you.

Now, based on your group (“groups of one” are acceptable), imagine yourself working full time; either starting your own business or having a career at an established company. Now, work with your group to “champion” your chosen technology by making a presentation to share in class that defines and illustrates the effectiveness of the technology within your industries by addressing the following five areas.
1. Introduction - Define what your selected technology is: what does it do and how does it work?
2. Adoption - What phase of technology adoption (exploration, growth, maturation) is your technology in?
3. Business Objectives - How can you use this technology within businesses? Hint: Be “greedy”, what can it do for you specifically?
4. Monetization - Can you