Part 1
1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement. “Social and professional ethics topics should be incorporated into the undergraduate computer science curriculum.” ____ Completely agree ____ Generally agree ____ Undecided (neither agree nor disagree) ____ Generally disagree ____ Completely disagree ____ No opinion
2. Does your department’s undergraduate computer science curriculum include any social and professional ethics issues content?
____ No (Skip to question 5)
____ Yes
3. Is coverage of social and professional ethics issues required in your undergraduate computer science curriculum?
____ No
____ Yes
4. What are your reasons for incorporating social and professional ethics into your undergraduate computer science curriculum? (Please select all responses that apply.)
___ The Computing Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (CAC/ABET) requires coverage of social and professional ethics.
___ ACM recommends the coverage of social and professional ethics.
___ We believe that social and professional ethics are a topic that should be incorporated into the undergraduate computer science curriculum.
___ Other
(Skip to question 6)
5. What are your reasons for not incorporating social and professional ethics into your undergraduate computer science curriculum? (Please select all responses that apply.)
___ We are not aware of the ACM social and professional ethics issues standards.
___ There is no room in the curriculum for the coverage of social and professional ethics issues.
___ Computer Science faculty are not trained to teach social and professional ethics issues.
___ Social and professional ethics topics belong in an ethics or philosophy course, but not in the computer science curriculum.
___ Philosophers or sociologists should teach social and professional ethics, not computer science faculty.
___ Other. Please describe below
(Skip to question 29)
Part 2
Delivery of Social and Professional Ethics
6. How does your department deliver social and professional ethics issues content in the undergraduate computer science curriculum?
____ A standalone course
____ Content integrated into other computer science courses (Skip to question 8)
____ A standalone course and integrated other computer science courses
____ Other: Describe below how the content is covered (Skip to question 8)
7. Please indicate at what level your standalone course that covers social and professional ethics content is offered in your undergraduate computer science curriculum.
____ Lower-level course (i.e. Freshman, Sophomore)
____ Upper-level course (i.e. Sophomore, Junior, Senior)
____ No level of standing
____ Other, please explain ________________________________________________________
8. How does your department introduce social and professional ethics into your undergraduate computer science curriculum? (Select all that apply) ____ Textbook readings ____ Lectures ____ Case studies ____ Group discussions (in class or online) ____ Examinations or quizzes ____ Student research papers ____ Student presentations on ethics topics ____ Video tapes ____ Other: Please describe below
9. Does your department teach portions of the social and professional ethics topics online? ____ No ____ Yes
10. Does your department teach any social and professional ethics topics in a course which is offered completely online? ____ No ____ Yes
11. Are students at your university or college required to take a philosophy course as either a general education course or a required course as part of their computer science curriculum?
____ No
____ Yes
Decisions Making Process
12. Who made the decision concerning how to incorporate social and professional ethics content into the undergraduate computer science curriculum? ____ Committee of