Essay on I love You

Submitted By Amazing__iAm
Words: 1235
Pages: 5

Fall 2013

Introduction to Biological Science - 71840 - BIOL 1014 - 003
Introduction to Biological Science1 - 71841 - BIOL 1014 - 004
Lecture: 9:00-9:50 MWF (McE 152)
Lab: 003: 1:00-2:50 T (McE 133); 004: 3:00-4:50 T (McE 133)
Instructor: G. P. Johnson, Ph.D.; Botany (Plant Systematics), North Carolina
State University, Raleigh (Dr. James W. Hardin)
Office: McE 10; see also McE 9A & 9B
Office Hours: see schedule beside office door; please schedule an appointment email:
(from a campus email address: Subject Line = Course/Section/Name)
Phone: 479-968-0312 (McE 10 only)
Catalog Description:
Each semester. An introduction to the major concepts of biological science, with an emphasis on the development of this scientific perspective and how it applies to humans. Note: Duplicate credit for BIOL 1014 and BIOL 1114 will not be allowed. May not be taken for credit after completion of BIOL
1114, 2124, or 2134. Lecture three hours. Laboratory two hours. $20 laboratory fee. 4.000 Credit hours. 4.000 Lecture hours
Required Texts/Materials:
Author: CHANEY
ISBN: 9781285568744
Copyright Year: 2013
NEW: $119.00 Course Key: 4JX7-9KHL-R5ZP
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This course fulfills the requirement for a Biological Science with a laboratory for General Education requirements.
Leaning Objectives:
See Take-Home Message sections within chapters; and, Summaries at the end of each chapter. These pretty much cover all of the objectives for each chapter. Course Criteria (a.k.a., The Rules):
1) Inattention in class and lab is distracting to the other students and to me.
Therefore, for each instance of talking to your neighbor (except in lab as part of normal lab activities), sleeping, using a cell phone or other electronic device (other than taking notes on a laptop), etc., five percentage points
(i.e., ½ letter grade) will be subtracted from your final average. For emergency situations, see me before the class/lab starts that day about an exception to the cell phone policy.
2) Attendance at all lectures and labs is mandatory; I take a very dim view of people not coming to class and/or lab, or leaving lab early. On the third absence from lecture, or the second absence from lab, you will be dropped from the course for non-attendance (excused absences excepted). Leaving lab before the class is dismissed constitutes an absence.
3) Examinations, assignments, quizzes, online quizzes, lab quizzes, etc. (for both lecture and lab) will be taken at the time and on the day scheduled (or unscheduled as the case may be) unless circumstances and I dictate otherwise; you will be notified in advance of any changes to the schedule.
Makeups (lecture and lab) are not permitted. The only exceptions will be absences due to school activities in which case you must notify me in advance in writing as per University rules; we will make alternative arrangements before the regularly scheduled time. The makeup is to be completed within three (3) calendar days of the original date/time unless I grant an extension in writing. Failure to make prior arrangements will result in a score of zero (0) for that activity.
4) Three (3) regular Lecture Exams will be given during the course; these are

worth 100 points each, for a total of 300 points. The Final (4th) Exam