1. Briefly describe how our species started to appreciate the biodiversity of the planet (in a geographical and historical context)?
Through the concept of evolution, ecology, population, community and the environment. Species through different periods evolve physiologically and adapting to new environments. Animals who can’t live or survive in certain regions either migrate or die. Common ancestors often link to present day organisms showing biologically and different aspects of adaptations.
2. Early naturalists tended to gather biodiversity information in a slightly different manner compared to modern biologists. Explain.
Back in the day naturalists didn’t have advanced technological equipment and not …show more content…
60% are arthropods, which makes up the insect species.
13. Terry Erwin changed our concept of the number of species that inhabit the planet. Briefly describe his experiment and how he estimated the number of insect species in the tropics.
Lots of life exist in the canopy he released pesticides get paralyzed and fall down. He looked at one tree and collected 1100 species of beetles, and divides the species based on the canopy.
14. How many insect species exist in the tropical rain forests according to Terry Erwins data?
Found 1100 different species of beetles. The number of insects in the tropics 400-600 different specialized insects along the canopy. Total 30 million different types of species in the tropics.
15. How was Erwin's paper received in the scientific community? Explain!
Ecologist reacted- to a big discussion how many there really are.
16. Briefly explain how we have explored the realm of the oceans over the last century. What kind of devices are now used to explore the depths?
They used cannon ball types a window, flashlight and a cable.
17. How do marine life forms from the deep seas differ from the "typical" life forms found at the surface?
Pressure increases and very cold, they found species that glow, Marine life forms find each other by chemicals were female releases and males look for the female. Some fishes are blind and use their sense instead of vision.
18. Most biologists now agree that there are far more species on the planet than