Aberration | deviation; abnormality |
Abstruse | difficult to comprehend |
Affability | friendliness; cordiality |
Affluence | wealth and status |
Alleviation | making less severe |
Amalgamation | mixture or joining of different components |
Amassed | accumulated |
Arcane | esoteric |
Augmenting | increasing in size or number |
Belied | contradicted |
Benevolent | kindly |
Callous | cruel and unfeeling |
Candid | truthful; honest |
Coalition | a union of two parts |
Concordance | agreement |
Conflagration | big fire |
Copious | in large amounts |
Dearth | shortage |
Debacle | disaster |
Disarming | charming; unthreatening |
Disillusioned | freed from wrong ideas |
Disparaging | criticizing |
Embellished | decorated |
Empathetic | understanding in an insightful way |
Encompassed | included; surrounded |
Endorsement | support; approval |
Entourage | group of followers; retinue |
Equanimity | peace of mind; balance; calm |
Eradicating | wiping out; destroying |
Esoteric | obscure |
Exacerbated | made worse |
Excised | cut out |
Exotic | strange; foreign |
Faction | section; group with common interests |
Finagle | wheedle; wangle; trick |
Grating | harsh; rasping |
Gratuitous | free; unwarranted |
Hackneyed | commonplace; over-used |
Insightful | perceptive |
Insolence | rudeness |
Intrigued | interested and curious |
Intuition | sixth sense; ‘gut feeling’ |
Languid | lacking energy; weak |
Lobby | 1. to try to persuade, 2. entrance hall |
Lucid | clear |
Marred | spoiled; ruined |
Meager | small; scanty |
Monotonous | dull; repetitive |
Motley | varied; miscellaneous |
Opting | choosing |
Overhaul | renovate |
Preclude | prevent |
Precursors | forerunners |
Purportedly | apparently claiming |
Ratify | give official approval to |
Resilience | strength; ability to withstand |
Retraction | removal; ‘taking back’ |
Sporadic | intermittent; on and off |
Spurned | shunned; rejected |
Substantiated | backed up; given supporting evidence |
Supplant | replace |
Truculence | stubbornness |
Unequivocal | certain; cannot be disputed |
Voluminous | large; bulky; extensive |
Winnow | sift; separate good from bad |
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