Year Round School Research Paper

Words: 934
Pages: 4

Did you know that having year-round schooling causes more stress on students than not having year-round school? Year-round schooling has been a controversial topic since the early 1900s because many people have different opinions about their children’s learning experiences. Some states in the south, including Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas, have already switched to having year-round schooling, and this is quickly spreading throughout the United States. Studies show that year-round school can increase the intelligence of students but also cause more stress and mental illnesses since students become overwhelmed. According to Amanda Morin, having a long summer break is very outdated and …show more content…
Year-round school has more evenly distributed breaks throughout the year so students don’t forget everything they have learned. Although convincing, the positives of year-round school do not outweigh the negatives. When year-round school breaks, it can be very hard for parents to find child care, as said above. Along with childcare, it can also be very hard for parents to keep changing their work schedules to fit in with their children’s schedules. Even though some people think year-round school is a good way to learn, it actually causes lots of stress and interferes with many activities students like to do. Year-round school has a lot of negative things to it that interfere with a child’s home life and family plans. Children doing what they love, like sports and extracurriculars, are so important for their childhood and growing up in a good, healthy way. Taking their free time away can cause students to be shy, anti-social, and feel confined to schoolwork. As Louis Gaille says, “Some people may say that a summer break is good for students and teachers to take a break and let their “brain rest”