Year Round School Research Paper

Words: 1043
Pages: 5

Imagine having never-ending school, and having some of your friends having months off while you're stuck in school. Students that have year-round school have to go through this. The debate on year-round school has been going on for a while. Some say it's helpful, and others say it's harmful. School should not be year-round. Summer break gives students a break, allows them to have good experiences and it can be very costly for school districts. I think that schools should not go year-round because students need a break. School allows students to learn a lot of good things, but it gives students stress. When they are given summer break, it gives them time to think about what they learned without stress. The article “Summer Break Effects on Education” from Utah State University, …show more content…
It already would cost a lot for everything and a consequence of that would be staff would be paid less. As a result, staff would not be happy and they would start to lose their staff. Year round school can be lots of money that the school would have to pay so therefore we should not have it. Some people may argue that year-round school helps students remember what they learned. Year-round school students get many short breaks so they remember what they learned instead of forgetting it all over one long break. The article “Should School Be Year Round?” from Readworks says that “students in year round school tend to remember what they learned” (Readworks 1). When students remember what they learned, all the hard work they did won't be wasted by them forgetting everything over summer break. However, students need a long break and on that break they are able to study for SAT and ACT exams. In the article “10 Pros and Cons of Summer Break” from Flex College Prep it explains “A benefit of summer break is the opportunity to focus on upcoming curricula before the stress of the school year takes over” (Flex College Prep