1.1 Explain The Concepts Of Leadership And Management Research

Words: 1860
Pages: 8

1.1 Explain the concepts of ‘leadership’ and ‘management’. Leadership concepts are influencing and motivating others, this is done by building relationships with the team, this ensures a good working relationship with your team. This can be done by scheduling regular team meetings and 1:1 supervision, using verbal, written and positive body language. Having an open-door policy so that individuals in the team can come to you and feel comfortable speaking with you as their leader. Communicate well and effectively with your team and other professionals involved. You can do this by using positive and effective written and verbal communication. This helps the individuals we support to get the best out of their support, environment and live a fulfilling quality of life. Motivating your team to continue to support and reach their own goals, …show more content…
Management concepts include planning and organising, such as rota management. Routines for individuals and staff within the team and others. Ensuring paperwork is complete and up to date, informing all staff and others of changes.

In my job role, my service was tipped over to Bolton Cares last year, this entailed building a relationship with Bolton Cares and my manager. This included transitioning paperwork over from the previous paperwork to Bolton cares, regular meetings with the management, HR and team. Communicating with the manager and giving an overview of the individuals, service and the team, ensuring that all the staff felt supported in this process. Meeting with MDTs to ensure that the individuals and the service, are settled and able to continue doing their job.

1.2 Analyse the interdependencies between leadership and management. The interdependencies between the two are important as they go hand in hand, this helps with the effective functions. A leader defines the goals of the service, whilst a manager will put