Standing six feet, two inches tall and tipping the scales at 195 pounds, he had been a multi-sport standout at George Washington Carver High School, earning several letters for football as a sure-handed pass receiver. In August 1959, when Moses reported to Coach Pop Lamkin for the Builders' first football practice of the season, he forever changed the face of Apprentice School athletics. For five consecutive seasons, 1959 -- 1963, Moses Easter wore the maroon and white football uniform of The Apprentice School Builders. He first arrived on the scene as an anxious, apprehensive freshman, but soon found his place on the team, gaining confidence in himself while earning the respect of his teammates. "Moses was a great guy who fit in with everyone," recalled fullback, Tom Koger, a patternmaker apprentice who played with Easter for three seasons. "He was a good athlete who played hard. He was one of