Equality, diversity and inclusion in work with children and young people
Name: ..Jo Levermore……………………. Date: ……………………………………….
Task A
1. Identify the current legislation and codes of practice relevant to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion when working with children and young people (ref 1.1)
The current legislations and codes of practice that applies to schools are
Race relations (amendment) Act 2000, this outlines the duties of organisations to promote good relationships between people from different races.
Children Act 1989 and 2004. The 1989 Act sets out the duty of local authorities (including schools) to provide services according to the needs of the children and to ensure their safety and welfare. The 2004 Act sets out the duty to provide effective and accessible services for all children and underpins the five Every Child Matters outcomes.
Education Act 1982, together with Education Acts 1993 and 1996, this sets out the schools responsibilities towards children with special educational needs. The Act also requires schools to provide additional resources, equipment and/or additional support to meet their needs.
Special Education Needs and Disability Act 2001, this makes in unlawful for educational providers to discriminate against pupils with a special educational need or disability.
Disability Discrimination Acts 1995 and 2005, the 1995 Act protects the rights of all those with disabilities. It also places a duty on schools (and other organisations) to eliminate barriers to ensure that individuals can gain equal access to services. The 2005 Act places a duty for schools to produce a Disability Equality Scheme (DES) and an Access Plan. Schools must encourage participation in all aspects of school life and eliminate harassment and unlawful discrimination.
Equality Act 2010, sets out the legal responsibilities of public bodies, including schools, to provide equality of opportunity for all citizens. This brings together 9 equality laws.
2. Why is it important to support the rights of all children and young people for participation and equality of access:
(Ref – 1.2)
It is important to support the rights of all children and young people for participation and equality of access as all pupils have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum. This must also be supported by high quality teaching and learning experiences. Schools have a duty to ensure that all pupils have equal access to the curriculum irrespective of their background, race, culture, gender additional needs or disability. To understand the importance of supporting the rights of children and young people, it is helpful to look in more detail at the intended outcomes of legislation, codes of practice and policies. Polices on inclusions and equality of opportunity can only be successful if they help to raise achievement and to promote self-identity and good relationships through the PARTICIPATION of all children and young people.
Raises Achievements
Ensuring the curriculum meets individual needs
High expectations of all pupils
Intervention strategies such as additional support
Develops a sense of identity#
Sense of belonging and self-esteem
Feeling valued
Self-worth and well-being
Improves relationships between individuals and groups
Learning about responsibities to others
PSHE and citizenship focusing on rights and responsibilities
Preparing CYP for living and working in a diverse society
3. Describe the importance and benefits of promoting and valuing cultural diversity? (Ref – 1.3)
Within schools opportunities are provided for all children to experience each other’s cultures and ethnic backgrounds, this is to ensure that they understand and value the social and cultural diversity in their own community as well as around the world, culture can cut across nationalities and faiths and by recognizing and promoting cultural diversity and the differences of individuals and