The purpose of this chapter is to investigate the prophet’s usage of the …show more content…
Wrb.v,i Wlkoêa/) in 55:1 indicate that 55:1 introduces a new unit with a sense of urgency. Third, 54:11-17 distinguishes itself from the previous unit by way of a striking shift in striking metaphor and tone. Whereas 54:1-10 deals with the metaphors of a childless mother, restored wife, and a husband, 54:11-17 uses the imagery of a splendid city described with extravagant language. Thus, the dominant literary tone in
2H. C. Spykerboer, The Structure and Composition of Deutero-Isaiah with Special Reference to the Polemics Against Idolatry (Meppel: Krips, 1976), 179-82.
3J. Alec Motyer, The Prophecy of Isaiah, 443-44.
4Childs, Isaiah and the Assyrian Crisis (Naperville: Alec R. Allenson, 1967), 128-36. For example, Isa 14:24-27, 17:12-14, 28:23-29 contain a demonstrative pronoun at the end of units where the pronouns have referential capacity and serves as a summary and appraisal marker.

54:1-10 is the hymn of praise with encouragement that comes from a restored relationship with God, but 54:11-17 is the promise of protection from enemies. hm'x'_nU al{å hr'Þ[]so hY"ïnI[]
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