Workfile Review
Genital Herpes
1. How is genital herpes transmitted?
Sexually transmitted
2. Some people are infected with the herpes virus but have no symptoms of the disease. True or False
There is no cure for genital herpes but it can be treated by: • There is no cure for genital herpes, but there are treatments for its symptoms.
• Some medicines can prevent the blisters or make them go away faster.
• If you have several outbreaks in a year, a treatment called daily suppressive therapy can reduce your chance of passing the infection to your sex partners.
3. List methods for diagnosis of herpes: Symptoms of genital herpes include: Painful blisters or sores on or around the genitals or anus. These sores typically heal within two to four weeks. Feeling like you have the flu when the sores are present. Sores that come back several times within a year. The presence of the sores is called an outbreak.
Complications from genital herpes include:
4. You can expect to have several
5. outbreaks (usually four or five) a
6. Year. Over time you can expect to
7. Have fewer outbreaks.
You have a higher chance of getting an HIV infection if you
8. have unprotected sex with a
9. partner living with HIV.
• Knowing that you have genital herpes may make you feel
10. worried or sad. Talk with a
11. doctor about your concerns.
13. Pregnant women• In rare cases, you could pass the infection to your baby. If you have active genital herpes when you go into labor, the doctor may do a cesarean
Delivery (“C-section”).
Be sure to tell your doctor if you or your partner has
Genital herpes.
14. Gonorrhea can be passed from the mother to her baby resulting in blindness and life-threatening blood infection in the baby. True or False
15. In men, there are no symptoms or side effects if Gonorrhea is contracted. True or False
16. Which female reproductive organs may be affected if Gonorrhea is transmitted to a woman? uterus 17. Symptoms of Gonorrhea will always appear within men during the first 7-10 days after exposure to the Neisseria gonorrheae bacterium. True or False
Symptoms of gonorrheal infection include:
If you are a woman
You can get gonorrhea in the anus, eyes, mouth, throat, urinary tract, or uterus. You may not notice any symptoms. If you do have symptoms, they will vary depending on what part of your body is infected.
If you have gonorrhea in the uterus or urinary tract, you might notice these symptoms:
• Vaginal bleeding between your periods.
• Pain or burning when you pass urine.
• Increased vaginal discharge.
If you have gonorrhea in the rectum, you might notice these symptoms:
Itching, soreness, bleeding, a discharge from your rectum, or painful bowel movements.
If you have gonorrhea in the throat, you might notice that your throat is sore.
If you are a man
You can get gonorrhea in the anus, eyes, mouth, penis, or throat. You may not notice any symptoms. If you do have symptoms, they will vary depending on what part of your body is infected.
If you have gonorrhea in the penis, you might notice these symptoms:
• Pain or burning when you pass urine.
• A discharge from your penis.
• Painful or swollen testicles.
If you have gonorrhea in the rectum, you might notice:
Itching, soreness, bleeding, a discharge from your rectum, or painful bowel movements.
If you have gonorrhea in the throat, you might notice that your throat is sore.
18. List methods for diagnosis of gonorrhea:
Gonorrhea can be treated by: Gonorrhea can be treated and cured with antibiotics.
Finish all of the medicine to be sure you are cured.
Don’t share your medicine with anyone. You need all of it. If you still have symptoms after treatment, go back to see the doctor.
Can I get gonorrhea again after I’ve been treated?
Yes, you can get gonorrhea again. You can