9/11 Islam Impact

Words: 1669
Pages: 7

One of the largest religious groups in the world is Islam, wherein almost a quarter of the entire population follows the religion. Sadly, despite the amount of followers, as far as the Islamic religion is concerned, there are still many who are not well-informed about the practices of their faith. A concrete example of an inadequately informed Muslim is the Al-Qaeda. Islam means peace, but they take people’s lives through terrorism. Every time they do this, it boosts their ego to attack more and to attack the 1st world countries which was very evident when they attacked the twin towers in the United States. In turn, people’s impression about Islam turned for the worse thereby, labelling the Muslim community as terrorists. Before 9/11 American …show more content…
The media generally portrays terrorists as Muslims, especially now that they keep on focusing on the Al-Qaeda, who are composed of Muslim extremists. Terrorism is defined in its broadest sense, as the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence (terror) in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim. If for example, a white male Caucasian commits a mass school shooting, he is called “alleged” suspect, but, if a Muslim or a person with Muslim features commits the same act, he is immediately branded as a terrorist with or without …show more content…
There was a massive change in the lifestyles of the Muslim community after this incident like how they dress, how they have to edit their words, how they look (they disguised as non-Muslims), how they were afraid to even answer their door and the like.
The tragedy has tremendously changed the world and the Muslims prisoners are subjected to a different kind of legal and illegal treatment while in prison. In terms of hiring, Muslims are not the priority, but they are the easiest to be fired in their workplace.
A Muslim liaison employed before the 9/11 attack was immediately fired after the attack, which means that the political empowerment that Muslims got was lost.
There was a mental health problem among Muslims in America because even sermons in mosques are delivered in English. Some Muslims even had to change names to avoid problems in housing and employment.
There was even surveillance of Muslim charity organizations, and even the number of visa’s for immigrants, students and visitors was