A Brave New World Quote Analysis

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Pages: 2

In a futuristic society, emotions and individuality are conditioned in children at a very young age. Building and maintaining friendships is hard. The nature of this society is compartmentalized and scientific. Unlike usual communities, this one has different norms that would seem strange to us because we never see that perspective of things and they bring attention to that.

In the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, in the world state the citizens make the mistake of choosing happiness but do not know that because they hide the pain away they don't care about the things they used to and slowly lose the humanity in them. Although it can be the opposite as well, Mustapha Mond had gone through many hardships that he had to pay for even for the World State. “The world’s stable now”. People are happy; they get what they want, and they never want what they can’t get. And if anything should go wrong, there’s soma.” (pg220). What this quote is describing is that if you want happiness you can find it in the soma and if you want to go to the next level and be free, you can use more soma.
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If they are going through a feeling they do not want to feel, the soma is a drug with no side-effects that gives the user a pleasant high and makes all worries dissolve and there to help them get rid of that emotion and wash out that pain being caused from that emotion. They are so conditioned and can’t act or act as they would’ve. Although they are being mentally manipulated, the members of this world are content with their lives and conflict is kept to a