The news has illustrated African Americans as criminals and the police as corrupt or racist. The video “A Class Divided” tells the story of an experiment that a teacher named Jane Elliot did with her third-grade class. This experiment helped the children understand how Black people felt when they were being segregated by getting them to think that brown-eyed people were not as smart as people with blue eyes. In the experiment, as the teacher continued to talk badly about the brown- eyed students, the results showed that children with brown eyes experienced a decline in their grades, and those with blue eyes were more successful. Also, she started to observe that blue-eyed kids started to mistreat brown-eyed kids. Then, the next day, the kids switched roles, and the results changed as their roles changed, too (1985, PBS video). This experiment shows that people can be manipulated by a higher power, just like the media, because they can control what they want the people to