A Hero's Journey Narrative

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Pages: 6

1 WHOLE WEEK OF PURE TERROR 2 years previously, whilst I was bullying my brain into studying harder than ever for my finales, (which were in 3 weeks to the day), I remember as clearly as if it was yesterday, my papa entering my (then) cramped and littered with paperwork room, excitedly telling me that he had received a promotion at work, and to celebrate this happy news, he had also said that we would be going to the ‘World Peregrination Water Park’ as a father and son treat. I had never heard worse news. Sure, you can argue that the promotion was good, for we needed a boost in the money situation, for we had lived in a dark and dusky alleyway in London that often attracted creeps, and he was only able to work part time as I had lost my mama …show more content…
Very few people know this about me, but I used to despise both public attractions and water, (my eczema only made the situation worse), and to be forced to come along was bad enough, let alone close to my finales... I remember muttering in a panicked whisper once my papa had left the room, I had been trapped in a sort of living nightmare, no way out, only terror ahead of my path for a whole entire week... I remember lying awake for hours that night, trying to reassure myself that all would be ok, that this had all been one terrible nightmare, and I would wake up and find out we weren’t going after all, for we were to be moving to the resort hotel the very next day, and we were to stay for the whole week. Eventually, at long last, I dozed off to sleep, lost in my terrified thoughts. “The finale... the water... the future of my career gone...” I had not spared a single thought for my papa’s promotion. That morning was one of the worst mornings of my entire life once I had woken …show more content…
After around 15 seconds I had come back to my senses, for I had been looking directly into the ticket ladies leering bloodshot eyes. I remember hearing a scream coming from one of the water slides, but before I was able to spare a second glance at the lady, I had heard my papa saying thank you to the lady and he had steered me into the water park. I had felt so dazed and confused by this most unusual encounter, that I had completely forgotten to worry about the water slides that I was bound to be on in a future day. I remember getting booked into the hotel, my papa saying goodnight, and me drifting into an uneasy sleep. Once I finally awoke, I can remember staring into the bottom side of the top bunk for hours on end that morning, somehow procrastinating the day ahead, hoping that if I remained immobile and still, time would slow down. But as I quickly learned that day, time does not slow down when something you dread approaches. Then at long last, I had got up, breakfasted, and had found myself walking towards the first water slide of the week. Somehow my papas excitement seemed to have given me a slight boost of affection and