A Liberal In A Conservative Family

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Pages: 6

A Liberal in a Conservative Family

Growing up I’ve been raised in a predominantly conservative family. My family are not the type of people who stay quiet about politics. They are quite vocal about their opinions and vote in every election. In my family, we’re taught at a young age to care about politics and are told that it is our duty to make sure “the big bad government” doesn’t get any larger. Often politics are brought up when I'm around. There is a simple reason why politics are brought up around me. My family is very conservative, and here’s the kicker, I'm a liberal. Before I walked into government class I knew I was somewhere on the left but I didn’t know what my label would be. The surveys we took really made me see what my label was. Yet my situation is funny if you think about it; they spent my entire life trying to embed conservative ideology in my brain and it did the exact opposite of what they wanted it to do. They tried to force me to think like them furthermore making me go in the opposite direction. There are many ways I was influenced that doesn’t just include my family.

My friends are a very large influence in my political views. I remember being 15 and a friend of mine had gotten
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I believe women should be one-hundred percent equal to men, whether it be a dollar pay to a dollar pay or a woman being put into the draft. A lot of my life I've been told I cant do a particular activity because I am a girl or, i belong in a kitchen, or that I do things like a girl as if that was an insult. Also I believe that a school systems dress codes are incoherently putting a boys education over mine. I've seen school districts sending girls home because their shoulders were showing and it was considered as a distraction to the male students. Women are not just things to gawk at and the school districts believe that we are simply a distraction to the men of the