Conservative Party Case Study

Words: 507
Pages: 3

1. If I was eligible to vote, I would definitely vote for the Conservative Party Of Canada as they are focused on improving the economy and that they want to reduce tax rates for the citizens of Canada. My dad currently owns a computer business so if the Conservative Party were to go into power, my dad will get better business security and will have to pay fewer taxes. Also, the Conservative Party is keen on improving the strength of the Canadian dollar through various economic policies.Since my dad has a computer business, it would mean that shipping parts in from the U.S.A would not cost him as much as it is costing him right now. Furthermore, America’s government is primarily focused on the economy and so if Canada also had an economy based government, Canada could make a lot …show more content…
If I were to create my own political party, its beliefs would lean more towards the business and economic side. It would be similar to the Conservative party’s beliefs as it would aim to cut social services so the citizens would have to pay fewer taxes. Like mentioned in question #1, the Canadian economy and dollar are both currently very weak due to the Liberal government. The political party that I would create would help to improve the economy and ensure that Canada contributes significantly to the global economy. Since my political party leans more towards the right wing of the political spectrum, it would aim to cut taxes so the citizens would have to pay fewer taxes. Currently, I believe that the Liberal government has wasted too much money on social services and the citizens are not feeling what the liberal government has done. With that reason, I would let the people keep more of their money and instead not waste it on very poorly organized social services. I know that there will be a greater wealth disparity in Canada because of my political party’s beliefs but the wealth disparity would become lesser gradually. Overall, those are the beliefs that my political party would