First, George demonstrates the assimilationist urges to be no different than other American in …show more content…
George’s assimilationist ideals influences Beneatha by causing her to be angry, but then restricted to tolerance and silent stubbornness. Asagai’s ideals to return to a sense of unique African cause Beneatha to accept wholeheartedly with not accepting certain ideals. Beneatha then makes the decision to side with Asagai and George in order to discover her African-Americans identity and to help her family than be a burden. People often disagree that a person could not balance different ideals of assimilation and returning back to their family roots. However, people must balance these ideals to understand, develop, and express their new characters, ideals, and identities. Does the world want to solve the conflict of assimilation and coming back to a sense of unique identity and help people understand their identities as people? The world then must allow people to balance the urges of assimilation with coming back to the core of their unique