ACL Injury Research Paper

Words: 1353
Pages: 6

With every sport there comes a chance of injuries, but nowadays tearing an ACL is more common. Over the past couple of years, many of my friends have torn their ACLs. I do not know of many men who have torn their ACL, except my dad, but I do know many women who have. I am wondering why girls are more likely to tear their ACL than guys? Seeing my friends go through an ACL injury is very hard to watch because I know they are suffering from the injury and having to sit back to recover. One person that I am very close with who has torn her ACL is Nicole Ann Lavey. She tore her ACL my freshman year during a home basketball game against Sheboygan Lutheran. Nicole had to undergo surgery and had to do lots of rehabilitation to get back into the swing of playing basketball. The most common way people tear their ACL is from playing sports that involve sudden stops and jumping or changes in direction. This is exactly how Nicole tore her ACL. This …show more content…
Reconstruction of the ACL involves attaching the ligament to another tendon from the hamstring, just below the knee. An ACL reconstruction is performed by a doctor who specializes in surgical procedures of the bones and joints. Although reconstruction and treatment of ACL injuries are available, much unnecessary pain, money, and time may be wasted during these procedures. “There is a small portion of athletes that can maintain an active lifestyle without an ACL” (Washington). Not all athletes who tear their ACLs will need reconstruction, but the chances of not needing reconstruction are grim. ACL reconstruction surgery should be considered for all individuals who desire a return to sports or activities that require lateral pivoting of the knee, or those who experience recurrent instability of the knee (Mayo Clinic Staff). With there being a choice of surgery, if he or she would like to continue on with sports the best option would be having reconstructive