Abigail Adams Research Paper

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Pages: 5

Growing up in a world that was unjust and unfair, Abigail Adams had to learn how to navigate and advocate for women's rights, abolition of slavery, and female education. Adams also had to learn how to be the first first lady to live in the White House. Growing up as a female was hard. People around the world neglect female education and their rights. Adams was lucky enough to have a father who taught her how to read and write. Though Adams had all these struggles, she still remained strong and voiced her opinion, changing the world for females. Abigail Adams' family played a big role in shaping who she was. Born in 1744, Abigail Adams was born to William Smith and Elizabeth Quincy Smith (Editors 2). During her childhood, she suffered from a …show more content…
Her dad was a minister at the First Congregational Church (Editors 2). He would teach her how to help less fortunate people (Unknown 1). She would also read herself because she wanted to be educated (Unknown 1). Her dad was also one of the best-educated citizens(Unknown 1). Her mom also did a bunch of stuff to help the community(Unknown 1). Her mom would visit the sick, and bring clothes, food and firewood (Unknown 1). Overall, she came from a well-respected family. Her family impacted her personality, and that's what made John Adams fall in love with her. John fell in love with her because of her personality; she had a keen intelligence and was very curious (Black 1). It was also reading that helped John and Abigail Adams fall in love (Black 1). They had a connection through books (Black 1). John Adams and Abigail Adams met through Cranch, Abigail's tutor (Editors 2). John Adams was 28 when he met 17 year old Adams (Editors 2). They got married when Abigail Adams was 18 and John Adams was 29 (Black 1). Their marriage lasted more than half a century (Black 1). After they were married they lived at John's place, a farm called Braintree(Black …show more content…
the editor 2). One of her kids named John Quincy Adams became president like Abigail Adams’s husband. Overall, her family was very dear to her. John Adams had many important positions in his life, and Abigail Adams was there by his side the whole time helping him and advocating for women's rights. During 1774 conflicts started to arise so John Adams had to leave his home to be a delegate to the Continental Congress so he traveled a lot (Editors 2). While he was gone she had to manage the farm, teach all of her children, and take care of her children. This task was really hard to manage by herself. She was also very lonely without John Adams (Black 1). In 1784 John Adams had a diplomatic post in France and Abigail Adams was by his side the whole time voicing her opinion (Black 2). When she became the wife of the vice president, she was really good friends with Ms. Washington (Black 2). Ms. Washington helped her in all the duties she would have to fulfill when she became the first lady (Black 2). This is important because then she would know what to do and people would like her. When John became president, Adams was the first first lady to live in the White House (Editors 4). She did not like public life and hated being in the White House (Black