Abigail Adams Research Paper

Words: 1731
Pages: 7

April Maple
History 330
Professor Feely Women's Sphere in American History Primary Source: Unit 1, Module 3 “Abigail Adams Letters” Primary Source: Unit 2, Module 7 “Zitkala-Sa "American Indian Stories” Primary Source: Unit 3, Module 11 “Letter To Eleanor Roosevelt” Primary Source: Unit 3, Module 12 “ Brides Preference List”

If you were a woman before the American Revolution you were primarily looked at as non- existent in the political realm. A woman was not allowed to vote or hold public office legally, as well a married woman could not own property. Once a woman married all her property became the property of her husband. According to a document
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We have seen a lot of change, however there is much more change yet to come. A Lot of people can say they are familiar with who Abigail Adams was, but possibly cannot say much of what her contribution to women is politics is. Abigail Adams, born into Puritan beliefs, became a wife in a time when society believed that women were to be above all good. It was to be that wives and mothers were to support their husbands political work. While for the women the only acceptable place to speak thoughts and ideas was in her home, in private conversations. This was really the only socially acceptable sphere of influence that a women had any in her life. Abigail Adams however, did not just sit back and take these limitations and that is why she is known for having pushed the envelope, leading the way for women to eventually have greater roles in society, however it was a long slow …show more content…
The demands for goods declined because people felt poor because of their losses in the stock market. In the banking system banks tried to collect on loans it made to stock market investors whose holdings were now worth little or nothing. The Great Depression without a doubt was the longest and most severe economic downturn in American history. Franklin D. Roosevelt was becoming a strong candidate for president, once elected Roosevelt passed a new deal.The new deal included the FDIC for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which insured savings accounts in banks approved by the government if an FDIC bank failed the government would repay. There was a lot of controversy surrounding his decisions some liberals said the new deal didn't go far enough to help the poor and reform the nation's economic system. President Roosevelt introduced more bills in the first hundred days of his presidency than any other in American history, the famous first hundred days concentrated on the first part of his strategy for dealing with the Great Depression which was immediate