Abigail Adams Rhetorical Analysis

Words: 585
Pages: 3

Abigail Adams writes to her son John Quincy Adam while traveling in France, advising him to make to make use of his time there and to keep is country in mind. Her caring tone helps establish her purpose along with the use of analogies and establishment of ethos. It clearly understood that she wishes the best for her son and will provide him with whatever advice she has. Mrs. Adams wants her son to understand that he is in France for a reason. To emphasize her son’s purpose, she recalls an analogy she has heard from the past. The analogy “compares a judicious traveler to a river, that increases its stream the further it flows from its source.” As the river flows, it picks up minerals which better enrich the river. In including this analogy, Adams conveys her desire for her son to pick up knowledge and experience from his travels. This will help him establish new ideas back in the United States such as independence and patriotism. She says that with these advantages, nothing will stand in his way. This reminder helps keep John on track to accomplish what he went to France for. …show more content…
It goes in hand with the minerals being added to the river as mention before. The experience and knowledge he gains from this trip will help define him as person and enable him to take action in his home country. The difficulties that he faces now will better him in the long run. Adams wants to remind him of that by including this question. His time in France isn’t for