Aboriginal Health Issues

Words: 922
Pages: 4

This essay will look into the contemporary Indigenous Australian circumstance of Indigenous Health and well-being.

“Indigenous people are the original people of Australia. Their continuity, history and cultural traditions are unrivalled in the world”. (Australian Indigenous Health Info Net, 2017) Health Info Net explains that the Indigenous people have survived many challenges which include, Droughts, floods and scientific proof of extreme climate due to period of arid climate change has been found in an ancient site known as Warratyi. (Australian Indigenous Health Info Net, 2017)
Health Info Net gives vital information that Indigenous people have had shared experiences of colonization that have been proven to have negative impacts on their
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(Commonwealth of Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health performance framework, 2017).
Health performance framework 2017 report, gives findings that, “During the two years to June 2015, there were an estimated 458,000 hospital separations for Indigenous peoples (excluding dialysis). After adjusting for differences in the age structure of the two populations, Indigenous Australians were hospitalized at 1.3 times the non-Indigenous rate”. (Commonwealth of Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health performance framework,
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Indigenous individuals also have the right to access, without any discrimination, to all social and health services. (Australian Human rights commission, UN Declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples, ND)
The Australian Human rights commission tells us in Article 21 that another Right is that “Indigenous peoples have the right, without discrimination, to the improvement of their economic and social conditions, including, inter alia, in the areas of education, employment, vocational training and retraining, housing, sanitation, health and social security”. Australian Human rights commission, UN Declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples,