Among the separation of church and state supporters many have stated that government jobs and agencies should remain completely separate from religion and faith. Government officials and employees have the right to maintain personal religious affiliations and in that same way Kim Davis has the right to disagree with same-sex marriage as an individual, but must follow the court’s orders and give marriage licenses to same-sex couples because she is an elected official who must follow the laws set in place (“Refusal to issue same-sex marriage licenses is not an expression of religious liberty”). Though supporters of religious separation indicated that employees such as Davis, have the right to disagree, they also stated that “Ms. Davis' religious objections to gay marriage should have no impact on her official role as a government notary” (Jonsson “Kim Davis: Kentucky clerk refuses federal order to marry gay couples”). Many individuals throughout the United States agree that Ms. Davis and other religious employees shouldn’t let their personal beliefs influence or affect their work. Some mention that even though Kim Davis sides as a Christian and disagrees with the same-sex marriage rulings, she’s still required to perform her duties as a government employee. Those in opposition to her cause go as far as to say that the court system should force Kim Davis to act in ways that oppose her personal beliefs. Forcing Kim Davis and other government employees and agencies to act in ways that don’t follow her faith seems morally wrong and violates the first amendment that gives freedom of religion. The United States of America, founded on Christian beliefs should offer a place where Christian employees don’t have the fear of