increase in depressive thoughts and flashbacks of past childhood trauma). This can create a space for Sally to become more open and willing to try new strategies and identify old strategies that may not have worked. Identifying control as the problem can help Sally recognize different behaviors and thoughts that serve as control strategies (Batten & Hayes, 2005). In therapy, Sally and her therapist would work towards experiencing her private events with the purpose of being able to take control of her life instead of trying to avoid her thoughts and feelings (Batten & Hayes, 2005). This idea of willingness is the key to promoting acceptance for Sally and mindfulness practice at the start of sessions can further help Sally engage in the present moment focus. Introducing acceptance to Sally will also give space to have her practice de-fusion in looking at her thoughts rather than from her thoughts (e.g. implementing Passengers on the Bus exercise). This can help Sally notice her thoughts and not be defined by her thoughts