Dawes Plan-Agreed by Weimar Republic and Aliies; made by Charles Dawes, lowered the annual
Eamon de Valera-dominant political figure in 20th century Ireland Dominion status-group of states under British rule
Facism- movement led by Italian Benito Mussolini; used to describe a number of right-wing dictatorships that arose across Europe * Anti-Semitic, parliament, democratic, Marxist * Hold back the spread of Bolshevism, which at that time seemed a threat * Sought to make the world safe for middle class, small businesses, owners of moderate property * Farmers * Rejected political inheritance of French Reolution and 19th century liberalism * Movements were nationalistic in response to communism
German Mark- or the deutsche mark; was the official currency of Germany after WWI
Great Britain- General Strike of 1926
Arthur Griffith-leader of revolutionary Irish republic
Adolf Hitler-
Inflation/ hyperinflation- rise in prices that are out of control; happened in Italy which Upper-classmen were afraid of, causing Mussolini to abandon the upper classes
Itish easter Monday uprising
Kapp Putsch-coup attempt during the German Revolution, which was civil war that helped bring the Weimar Republic, focused on overthrowing the Weimar Republic; thought to be right-wing monarchist and reactionary
Kellogg-Briand Pact- The leading countries signed treaty stating “war is not instrument of national policy”
Labour Party(Great Britain) * Lateran Accord/Pact/Treaty A political treaty recognising the full sovereignty of the Holy See in the State of Vatican City, which was thereby established. * A concordat regulating the position of the Catholic Church and the Catholic religion in the Italian state. * A financial convention agreed on as a definitive settlement of the claims of the Holy See following the losses of its territories and property. * Political dispute between the Papacy and the Italian government
Liberal Party( Great Britain)
Little Entente- contained France, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia; focused on making sure no revision of the Versailles treaty. Poland didn’t join due to disputes with Czechoslovakia
Locarno Agreements- in October 1925, Foreign secretary Austen Chamberlain for Britain, and Aristide Briand of France agree to Stresemann’s proposal for