Adversity In High School

Words: 430
Pages: 2

Many people face adversity at one point in their life, may it be times of trouble or general unrest, and, unfortunately, I am no exception. Mauldin High School is the school I currently attend, and so far it’s been rather boring for me. I began my career in high school taking the hardest classes my school offered to freshmen. The farther into the year I got, the less interested I became. My classes weren’t as fun as I had hoped, nor were they as challenging. I began to lose interest quick, and my days became mundane and dull. This is a big deal considering nearly half the year I spent my days in a way I considered a waste of my time. It was no longer about learning or applying the knowledge, it was a test to see how long I was willing to bide my time.

This became my routine. I’d go to school, twiddle my thumbs, and return home. The homework they assigned seemed pointless, almost as pointless as my days. I only truly enjoyed my first three classes, being Algebra II, Intro to Engineering, and Industrial Tech. In my opinion, those classes flowed together the best, I’d learn math, learn how to build, and finally build. The rest of my
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It seemed great, and I was having a good time. But after a while, I fell back into a similar conundrum. Nothing was interesting me save for computer science and perhaps chemistry. Unfortunately, my chemistry teacher is one I dislike, and the class is less interesting as a result. This leaves me with one seventh of my day I have fun in. I decided that this school simply wasn’t for me, it was too big and I hardly knew anyone in my classes. As such, I decided to apply to a school in Hartsville known as the Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics. I had been there before for camp and had a great time. Once I went for a shadow day, I knew this school was right for me. This is the way I shall overcome my adversity, and for once enjoy the days I’ve been blessed to