With education costing so much money kids have to attend school and work at the same time far away from home, this lowers possible chances of a more successful college life. College graduation rates would be higher, students would not have to attend work and could put all of their focus on school. This would give them a better chance at graduating, especially with a high GPA. Students all over the world struggle through college enough with the work load, and the stress of deadlines. They do not need the stress of owing thousands of dollars on top of that.
Free education could put us in more debt at the same time. A Lot of kids go to college to party and get drunk, which is fine when they're paying for it. If the government starts paying for people to go to college, people will start going just for the parties and won't even try in class. For a lot of people it's the cost of the education that makes them keep going and keep trying to do well. Without that, students could have the stress free mind to blow it all and not even try. This could put the government at financial risk as they would be the ones paying for everybody's