After School Programs

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Pages: 2

With school just around the corner, you need to decide what your child is going to do after school. Play time after school is really important, which is why you may want to consider signing your child up for some after-school programs. Here are a few benefits that your child will experience by enrolling in an after-school program.
#1 Staying Physically Active
Most after-school programs are built around the ideal of physical fitness and activity. Enrolling in an after-school program will provide your child with a specific way to engage in physical activity and get in the daily exercise that they need. To often, recess is cut out or reduced during school hours. After school programs provide your child with a chance to get out their energy and get in the physical activity they need to stay healthy.
#2 Learn To Value Health
Not only will your child get a chance to be active, they will also learn to value health habits such as working out. Many after-school programs, such as tai-chi classes or soccer classes, also work to explain to your child how physical activity is beneficial to them. They will educate your child on the importance of exercise and often the importance of nutrition as well. Hearing this message from someone other than their parents can be really impactful for children.
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After-school programs are designed to provide children with opportunities to assist and lead. For example, your child may be asked to help the teachers of the program set up activities. Or they may be asked to help students younger than them with a particular activity or skill. Or they may be asked to set-up and run certain activities. All of these seemingly little things are actually child-sized leadership opportunities that will help your child grow and develop. These are the types of opportunities that will provide your child with confidence in themselves and will help teach them how to work with