Against Book Banning Research

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Pages: 5

Book banning has been a controversial topic for a while and has come in and out of the spotlight. The banning of books happens because a group of people will agree that a book's material is controversial, offensive, or inappropriate. Then that group of people will fight to get the book banned. There are many reasons why a book might be banned, like religious views, moral values and many other things. This has sparked debates regarding the freedom of expression and the role of censorship in society. Lots of people have different views on book banning and how it can negatively or positively affect the readers. This censorship of information has been happening for a long time. In an article titled “Librarians of New York Take a Stand Against Book Banning” the author, Arlene Laverde, said “The ‘burning of the books,’ an imperial edict carried out in China in 213 BCE, is often cited as the earliest …show more content…
I Think They’ll be Stronger for it” by Melissa Scholes Young. She seems to have a similar view on book banning to Rep. Jamie Raskin. In the article by Melissa Young she said “Reading about experiences different from our own encourages us to travel with our minds” In that same article the author also says “I trust that the safest place for them to stretch their experiences is on the page.” These two quotes bring up the idea that books are a perfect place to experience and explore different things safely. The second part of the article “Pros and Cons of Banning Books: Protecting Young Students vs Freedom of Speech” focuses on why some people would want certain books banned. In the article, Brian Camenker is quoted as saying, “On LGBT issues, this is not necessarily a healthy behavior for libraries to be promoting on kids. And, and all of them, every one that I see involves sexuality,” This quote shows the mindset that some people have about book