Stigma : how do we treat homosexuals in Africa. Which people are said to be the cause of HIV/AIDS? How do we treat AIDS as a disease (it is considered an evil disease- superstition, religion, cultural norms
2. Poverty: lack of education, low literacy rate = lack of access to information, poverty : how can afford health services? Inadequate health services for people living with AIDS, lack of testing services. Passing it through wrong medical methods (blood transfusion etc)
Rural and urban places : transportation cost to travel to the city for medical attention,
3. Gender inequality
- The ability of men to have multiple sexual partners
- Polygamy-
- Rape
4. Uganda as a success story in regards to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa is a result of a strategic political approach
- Abstinence
- Be faithful
- Condom use
5. The rise in the HIV/AIDS epidemic has affected high prevalent countries like Kenya or South Africa negatively in terms of social, economic and political development
- Social : stigma / lack of social togetherness because fear