Aids Memorial Quilt

Words: 815
Pages: 4

The AIDS Memorial Quilt is one of the biggest, most community-driven, and beautiful pieces of artwork that blossomed in the late 1980s. The Aids Quilt is a huge quilt dedicated to those who lost their lives due to the AIDS pandemic in the 1980s. As of 2022, the quilt is an estimated 1,300,000 square feet, weighs around 54 tons (108,000 pounds! and has over 50,000 panels dedicated to over 110,000 people. It is the largest community art project in the world, and seeing as it is over 1 million square feet, I cannot compare each individual quilt patch. I will highlight a few individual panels, explain their artistic composition and iconography, and then explain the backstory of this piece so viewers can understand their beautiful significance. …show more content…
The reason why they are those dimensions is because that is roughly the size of a grave, symbolizing the remembrance of those who passed away. There are thousands of patches that were made in memory of those who lost their lives to AIDS and if every patch was laid end to end, it would be over 50 miles long. According to ATEC at the University of Texas at Dallas, “Although the quilt is staggering in size, it represents less than 20% of the AIDS deaths in the United States alone.” After browsing through thousands of panels on the interactive AIDS quilt website, I chose to highlight one square of panels sewn together (called a block) as shown in Figure 1. I was drawn to this block for a few reasons. The first thing that stood out to me was the multitude of bright and vivid colors. There are bright reds and yellows, blues, light greens, and a rainbow