Airway-Related Tracheostomy Emergency Care

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Pages: 6

The goal of this family-centered curriculum is for the families and primary caregivers who care for a child with a tracheostomy with or without a ventilator to be proficient in management of airway related tracheostomy emergency care in a home environment.
At the end of the curriculum, the primary caregivers will be able to:
• Cognitive Objective. Recite the steps in assessing and managing a tracheostomy airway emergency, such as water in the ventilator, an airway/tube obstruction, an accidental decannulation, and mechanical failure/CPR.
• Psychomotor Objective. Be capable of troubleshooting home care equipment including ventilators, ventilator tubing and heater, portable oxygen and suctioning device, and pulse oximeter.
• Psychomotor
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Each primary caregiver/s who agree to participate in the curriculum will have received airway-related tracheostomy emergency training prior to being discharged home.
• Patient Outcome. By 12 months after completion of the curriculum, there will have been a statistically significant decrease of less than 5% of hospital readmissions and mortality rate do to airway-related tracheostomy emergencies.
Educational Strategies Educational Strategy: Group Discussion/Debrief
• Cognitive Objective. To be able to recite the steps in assessing and managing an airway-related tracheostomy emergency, families and primary caregivers will receive a brief 15-minute didactic session on dealing with airway emergencies. The participation in a small group discussion formatted as a debrief after each of the four tracheotomy related airway scenarios promotes active learning than can assist in identifying the frames of an observed behavior. Having a small group discussion requires more faculty and staff support to have dedicated time and support to facilitate this curriculum within 4 hours; therefore, limits how much resource support can be provided by already busy healthcare providers.
Educational Strategy: Real-life and Supervised Clinical
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• Time: Contact time for faculty/instructors in simulation- 4 hours per family/simulation (to prepare and teach); 30 minutes to 1 hour for support staff to coordinate, schedule, confirm and prepare for simulation; 30 minutes to 1 hour for support staff for post simulation clean up and dismantle supplies and equipment.
• Facilities: All 4 simulation scenarios will take place in a designated simulation space/theater within the Simulation Center and will include a debrief room for audio and visual debriefing per scenario; Virtual Space include servers and content management software that is accessible in designated simulation space/theater and debriefing room with recording and audio capability.
• Funding/Costs: The curriculum will be provided at no charge to all tracheostomy families. Hidden or opportunity costs based on TCH NICU Quote of supplies needed to put on the 4 simulation scenarios (approximately $1,324.84). Most home equipment or supplies for the curriculum has been donated and redeployed existing resources. For faculty/instructors’ compensation is built into research or time devoted for curriculum activities paid by his or her