Alexander The Great Research Paper

Words: 527
Pages: 3

Did Alexander the Great earn his title as Great?

I think Alexander the Great earned his title as great.Alexander was a young king that took the throne at age 20. The first step to building his kingdom up was facing the Persian army. The Persian army was one of the biggest armies in the world at the time. The army was 4x Alexander’s army size. But, this didn’t scare Alexander from taking it over. After all the Alexander managed to take it over and later died.

Alexander’s Empire:

On a map of Persia in 334 BCE, Alexander went over Macedonia to Asia with an army of 40,000 soldiers taking out a lot of settlements. Renaming these cities after himself and sending troops to stay there, him and his men would march through many rough climates to take on the Persian empire. After defeating the Persian empire He gained an massive amount of land. This land was soon born as Alexander’s empire. Like I said in the first paragraph the Persian empire was the largest at the time. When Alexander died his empire was 2,000,000sq. Miles and after grown into 2,200,000sq. Miles. This just shows how big his empire got until Rhome fell.

The Battle against Porus:
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Alexander and Porus’s men were on separate sides of the river. This attack wouldn’t work well because he would be killed while in the river so Alexander decided they should go around and of course Porus followed. Soon after this came in handy for Alexander’s attack. They kept repeating the step until Porus no longer followed. This was Alexander's time to attack. A thunder storm was happening when Alexander’s men crossed the river. Porus had elephants though. But, Alexander used them to stomp on Porus’s men. Soon Alexander won the battle after Porus fled. This tactic was really smart and was not even thought out he just came up with it right on