Alka Seltzer Lab Report

Words: 675
Pages: 3

“Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz! Oh, what a relief it is!” Alka Seltzer, a common reliever of minor heartburn and indigestion pains, comes in the form of a tablet and contains anhydrous citric acid and sodium bicarbonate. When Alka-Seltzer tablets are dissolved in water, bicarbonate forms from the sodium bicarbonate. In turn, this reacts with hydrogen from the citric acid to form water and carbon dioxide gas.
In this experiment, my group determined the most effective and speediest way to dissolve an Alka Seltzer tablet. There were three strategies in which we postulated the tablets would dissolve: the more neutral the base (or solvent), the faster the tablet with dissolve, if the heat and the cold (temperature) can strongly affect the speed of a chemical reaction, heated water would dissolve the tablet in a shorter duration of time, and, finally, the less water to cause the reaction, the faster the tablet will react and dissolve. It was agreed amongst the group to carry out the varied temperature hypothesis. Not only would it make sense to explore this method since molecules have different speeds in different temperatures—thus, the tablet will dissolve fastest when molecules are rapidly moving, or in
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The preparation of the materials was divided amongst the group into separate tasks to bring together the overall experiment. One member took a glass beaker, filled it with water up to the 50 mL mark, and stored it in a jar of ice to keep it as cold as possible for the time being. Another member poured 50 mL of water into another beaker and placed it on the hot plate, checking on the rising temperature periodically. A third member of the group took the last beaker and filled it with 50 mL of warm tap water, leaving it on the table to sit at room