The other children feel that Margot is an interloper, thus she cannot be trusted. Margot describes what she remembered the sun was like when she lived on Earth, but the other children feel that they cannot trust what she says, “‘It’s like a penny,’ she said once, eyes closed. ‘No it’s not!’ the children cried. ‘It’s like fire,’ she said, ‘in the stove.’ ‘You’re lying, you don’t remember!’ cried the children. But she remembered and stood quietly apart from all of them…” In this part, the children do not believe that Margot is telling the truth they think that she’s making it up. Her classmates do this because they believe that she is an outsider, thus she is …show more content…
It can be very difficult for someone to trust a person who is not like them. When this happens, it can cause someone to act very cruel towards that person, and to not trust them. Even if that person has been more of an introvert than others would like them to be. This is clear in “All Summer In a Day” The brutality against Margot could have been avoided if the other kids had been able to control their feelings of uncertainty. In the end, Margot suffered because the other children were not able to put away their suspicions. By doing so it caused them to act in horrendous