American Civil War Songs Analysis

Words: 1572
Pages: 7

The American Civil War produced songs that are still sung today, as did World War Two. They have become part of American culture and history. In that respect, Israel is no different. For much of its history, the Israeli army has had bands and military musicians whose compulsory service was spent performing songs for soldiers.
Musicians also serve in the reserves and do their service by traveling around the country performing at military bases. The nation’s top performers consider it a badge of honor to perform for free wherever soldiers are serving, no matter how few. Sometimes it is only a singer accompanied by a guitar, standing on top of a tank in the middle of the desert, performing for hundreds of battle weary soldiers. One group recalled arriving at a bunker where only five soldiers were stationed. Not only did the show go on but they let the audience choose the numbers to be performed.
It is said that when the cannons are roaring, the songs stop. In Israel, it is just the opposite. Each war has given birth to songs that have become anthems, songs that are sung at times of national celebration or mourning. The songs
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The songs continue even after the last bullet of the battle has been fired. Israeli air force navigator, Ron Arad, has been MIA since 1986 when he was taken captive after his plane went down in enemy territory. Singer/songwriter, Boaz Sharabi, wrote a song for him, “She’tavo K'shetavo” (“When You Will Come”) ( accessed June 30, 2015). “When you come home we will present you with flowers, when you come home, home from the cold, home into the light, we will sing for you with joy. For freedom you were born.” Ron Arad is still in captivity but he is not forgotten here in Israel. A missing soldier is a missing family member. We all pray for his safe return and for the safe return of Gilad Shalit who is still being held by the Hamas in