American Prison System Research Paper

Words: 928
Pages: 4

The American prison system is one that of a growing problem in the U.S with little to no progress for solutions. Problems arise such as rights of inmates whether if they are allowed to vote after being incarcerated and serving their time in prison. Then, should prisoners get the opportunity to get an education? Finally, what's the purpose of prisons should be striving for in America.

Should prisoners be able to have the right to vote after serving their time in prison? Everyone has the right to vote, but this is not true for a felon or mostly everyone after serving their time in prison. In fact, 48 states restrict the right to vote for felons in the United States. Though there are people who are against this such as liberals and democrats
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Jean Lewis who’s a member of the national board of trustees for parents of murdered children. Jean Lewis deeply expresses her feelings those sentenced for their crimes should pay the consequences. To fill that will be prisons in order to punish inmates for their crimes and have a “counter balancing justice” said Jean Lewis. As quoted “ Criminals should not be shown any leniency when sentenced to be punished” (Lewis 2). Supports her view on that prisons themselves are a place of punishment to convicted criminals first, not a rehabilitation center. Though, there are others with opposite view point that prisons should be rehabilitation centers first than punishment. Robert E. Roberts founder and executive director of project return feels that prisons today are in need of reform. As he said “what our prisons teach now is that it is normal behavior to hate your enemies and to harm them” (Robert 1). Then, Vincent Schiraldi founder and president of the justice policy institute shares the same views. “We are warehousing people, punishing them and returning them to our society worse off than when we got them” (Schiraldi 1). Vincent goes in depth that the American prison system is going towards the wrong direction and making a growing problem on America’s crime even worse than it should be. Finally, there is someone who believes that the prison system exist at a the minimum. “We work with many groups nationwide to create a system that is not based on prison, jails, and executions…” (McClary 1). As said from Tonya Mcclary who’s the national criminal justice representative explaining that there needs to be another system or one that could possibly replace the current American prison