Amir In The Kite Runner

Words: 548
Pages: 3

Amir has not redeemed himself by the end of the book. What most fail to realize is that what happened to Hassan could have be avoided if he would have stepped in that alley way. Who know what could have happened after that day, but what is known is that Hassan wouldn't have had his childhood taken away from him. Throughout the entire book there are more cases of Amir being a coward rather than a hero, and even when he went to go “rescue” Hassan's son Sohrab he still got beat up by Assef. The only way both Amir and Sohrab were able to make it out of there was due to Sohrab stepping in and taking out Assef's’ eye with his sling shot. He can try and say that he feels like a hero, but in reality his actions speak louder than words. Since the