There were also many things in this time period that influenced the social history of the United States of America. The Hard ships of the depression left many Americans feeling like there was no hope or any sign of change during the 1920’s-1930’s the suicide rates started to grow and many people went insane. Imagine being a parent during the 1920’s you couldn’t afford to take care of yourself let alone take care your children at least if you had kids they were able to get some pocket change from working hard in sweatshops that would help their families. 2,600 schools shut down so many students were left making money off of the streets. Living in slumps and digging out trash cans to find food wasn’t what most Americans planned on doing, but when you’re in a desperate situation you end up doing desperate things. People relied on soup kitchens and bread lines for food and I’m sure soup kitchen lines were very long and people had to wait in line for hours to get food. Basically if you were living during this time period you had no future if you were planning on going to college or have kids it wasn’t going too happened. There were no doctors or dentist, so if you got sick you were on your own. Americans were still able to somehow able to cope with this situation. They learned how to save, be thrifty and work with what they had. Even to this day that is not such a bad idea many people now a day’s still decide to live like that. Not that their going through hard times but it also