Firstly, they both start off slowly. Marie was just an average girl who was born in Poland in 1867. Kingda Ka was just a rollercoaster when construction began. They weren’t anything special. Marie grew up like all other girls in Poland did at that …show more content…
Many other famous male scientists of the time believed that her discoveries were just a result of miscalculations on Marie’s part. But she wasn’t wrong. She had found more ways to back up her findings and eventually, people believed her. This is similar to a common problem on Kingda Ka, called rollbacks. This is when Kingda Ka fails to get over the top of the first hill and rolls back down. Even though the train can get over the initial hill, it doesn’t always get enough momentum, much like Marie who knew she was right; she just didn’t have enough proof to show that she was.
After these initial hardships, they had reached the peak of their lives. Kingda Ka was named the tallest rollercoaster in the world. Marie Curie was recognized for her discoveries and contributions to science. They both became famous in their own line of work. But, like everything else, you can’t stay at the top forever. Eventually, you will have to come back down. In Marie’s and Kingda Ka’s cases, this drop is sudden and very fast.
Marie had worked on her theories about radioactivity for years and had eventually found enough evidence to prove that it existed. But, of course, she had spent all of these years working with radiation from her experiments. This radiation slowly made her sicker and sicker. After a while, though, her health decreased rapidly from the radiation poisoning, much like the way Kingda Ka’s train