Cico introduces Tony to the Golden Carp (Page 107-119), a pagan god who is a symbol of forgiveness. Totally different from the Christian God who Tony believes is too much like man and unforgiving. The carp and its beauty really surprises tony. At that moment, tony begins to realize that contrary to popular belief, the are other gods, and questions whom his mom is praying to, who is Jesus, who is the Virgen de Guadalupe? When tony takes his first holy communion, his doubts about his religion further deepen. Tony expects to hear the voice of God and that it will be a monumental event. He is expecting to have all of his answers and clarity after it. When nothing happen, Tony is disappointed and begins to wonder why he can see the Golden Carp and not God. Antonio felt more connected to Ultima than his own mother. When Ultima died, Tony was at peace. Ultima’s death did not mean the end of their relationship because of what she had left behind within him. Even though Antonio was eight years old at the novel’s end, the process and themes Anaya deals with are universal. The mingling of secular and spiritual make the book interesting. Anaya’s vision of balance and wholeness and his ability to synthesize details from many sources to create myths make “Bless me Ultima” an intricate