Analyzing Paul Revere's Ride

Words: 272
Pages: 2

“Listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere.” That is how the creator of Paul Revere's Ride started his poem of lies. The poem made him seem like he was a hero. I can prove this because in Paul Revere’s Ride it said he was the only rider. Here are some lies in that poem but at least he put some bits that are true in that poem.
In the poem it says Paul was the only rider going thru the towns and warning people that the British are coming. There was a difference and that was there was more than one rider and they all had to go to different times. There was two more riders with him.
Paul Revere's Ride was a lie. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow makes him sound like a hero but he did not do anything. He had people help