Animal Abuse Research Paper

Words: 1399
Pages: 6

Animal Abuse

Violence, starvation, neglect - those are all forms of animal abuse. Everyday around the world animals are beaten, neglected, starved, and fighting for their life. No animal deserves this kind of cruelty. This means we're most animals only hope, and it only takes a little bit of time and effort to support a local animal shelter, this will help change many animals lives. We can support our shelters by donating money or adopting an animal. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals, ASPCA, "An animal is abused every ten seconds in the United States,"(ASPCA). As a nation we must take a stand for these abused Animals around the world to try to stop animal abuse, because if we don't who will?
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The main type is called unintentional, this means people who abuse animals without meaning to. Reasons this type of neglect happens, is because those committing unintentional actions, do not know what they're doing and usually have no clue of how to raise an animal. Examples of this is somebody who keeps a dog in a hot car while they're gone somewhere, another is someone who keeps their dog on a chain or in a pen all of the time, and lastly someone may forget to feed or give their dog water. It's okay to keep them outside and locked up every once in awhile, but make sure that they have a nice clean environment and are able to roam around and be free. Another type of animal abuse is not caring for your animal. Most people who don't care for their pet will forget to take their pet to the vet when needed. Always, take your pet to the vet for a checkup and rabies shots, if you don't this puts you and your …show more content…
Most will have matted coats of hair or fur, they will also be very skinny you can tell by the rib cage showing through the skin of the animal. A lot of times they'll be filthy, smell, bruised, cut, and covered with fleas and ticks. You can also tell if an animal has been abused if it is aggressive towards others or very shy towards others. Some, owners may even use their pet to fight, which is very wrong and cruel. Most of the time a dog will be used to fight. These are all different signs and ways to tell if an animal is being abused or