Animal Abuse Research Paper

Words: 1275
Pages: 6

Animal rights is currently one of the most controversial and sought after rights by millions of Americans. More specifically, animal abuse is the most talked about topic as far as animal rights. Animal abuse covers a broad spectrum of violent and malicious acts against animals such as holding them in captivity, using them as fighters, and using them for experimental research, etc. The list goes on and on but as long as that list is, I feel that animal abuse is never appropriate.
Animal abuse is a broad topic, but a general definition would be for a human to harm or hurt any other non-human animal, whether it be physically attacking the animal or simply neglecting the animal’s needs. Animal rights group feel as though animals are their own species,
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All of these animals are held in captivity just to amuse us.We stare at animals and watch them do amazing tricks at either circuses, zoos, or amusement parks. We even use them for sport like the annual running of the bulls, in Spain, bullfighting, and horse racing. Some animals are held captive their whole live for the sole purpose of entertaining humans. For instance, circuses, they attract the public by being bright and colorful, the unfortunate reality of it is that those circus animals are held there against their will. Since circuses often travel long distances between different locations, the animal inevitably suffer for the duration of the rides. The accommodation for the animals that perform in the circus is almost non existent between the confined areas where they are harbored and the abusive training practices inflicting pain and stress means a life of misery for lions, tigers, elephants and domestic animals in circuses. Natural behaviours are thwarted and animals have to endure performances several times a …show more content…
The definition of animal abuse is harming nonhuman animals for purposes of survival. Humans on average have about 6 pairs of shoes per person and a closet full of clothes. All these fabrics used for the abundance of material items we have came from some form of animal, that either had to lose it’s life for us to have it or is constantly skinned. Believing that animals are sentient and have feeling, I don’t understand how people can skin or kill animals basically for profit. For all the millions of clothing stores , shoe stores, and malls across the country, hundreds of thousands of animals were killed for each store to have its merchandise. (PETA) Some people would say, well, this is for our survival, we need clothes to survive, which is true and I agree with 100%, but at what point do we draw the line on how much clothing and shoes we have before it surpasses our survival needs? I know society says that we “need” more than a few articles of clothing, more than a single pair a shoes, but society has changed over the years, people are becoming more vain and materialistic by the day, and they feel they have to have more than the necessities for survival, so they can either out do someone else, or keep up with the rest of