Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT)

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Pages: 4

Animal-assisted is a type of therapy that involves animals as a form of treatment.It involves the utilization of trained animals in facilitating patients' progress toward therapeutic goals. Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) has been shown to be effective in recent meta-analysis with an improvement of mental health, quality of life, and a decrease in the sense of isolation. Animal-assisted therapy can help you with depression and PTSD, people that have PTSD might have a chance with an animal to recover to help them cope if they have an animal therapy or any type of animal that will help them feel better. Animal-assisted therapy helps individuals by decreasing their anxiety and depression, meanwhile increasing their socialization skills. AAT also …show more content…
Animal-Assisted therapy can help relieve PTSD triggers instead of a Veteran that has PTSD self-medicated herself or himself. If not found and treated early PTSD can affect the veteran for the rest of his or her life. Animal-Assisted Therapy or AAT can help Veterans instead of using prescriptions by helping them relieve their PTSD triggers feel better should do Animal-therapy because a lot of them self-medicate themselves with alcohol to feel better but that only makes things worse. In the article Examing the effects of a novel training and use of psychiatric service dogs for military-related PTSD and associated Kloep, Megan M. L., Hunter, R.H., & Kertz, S.J (2017) show positive results on the effects of Animal Assisted therapy on PTSD Veterans. When there is trained service dogs it helps veterans, families, and victims fight off or recover from their traumatic experience. With this research, we discovered also that when PTSD patients seek animal therapy it helps them relieve their PTSD …show more content…
L., Hunter, R.H., & Kertz, S.J (2017) show a positive results on the effects of Animal Assisted therapy on PTSD Veterans. This study concluded that more doctors and practitioners should apply Animal therapy treatments and more research should be done to get more benefits from AAT. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects many combat veterans from past wars as well as those returning from the current wars. Animal-Assisted therapy can help relieve PTSD triggers instead of a Veteran that has PTSD self-medicated herself or himself. If not found and treated early PTSD can affect the veteran for the rest of his or her life. Animal-Assisted Therapy or AAT can help Veterans instead of using prescriptions by helping them relieve their PTSD triggers feel better should do Animal-therapy because a lot of them self-medicate themselves with alcohol to feel better but that only makes things worse. Ongoing research is being conducted in an attempt to find alternative methods to treat PTSD that do not use prescriptions. If you have a trained service dog it can help you if you are a combat veteran, a victim, or a family member that had a traumatic experience. Many non-profit organizations are currently using dogs to help