Animal Overpopulation Research Paper

Words: 1017
Pages: 5

Adopt Do Not Shop

My research paper's main idea is the overpopulation of cats and dogs in animal shelters in the United States. The supporting ideas of my outline are how did overpopulation become a problem, why is overpopulation a problem, and how can we solve this problem? The most important thing to know about my research topic is that overpopulation is a serious problem in the world. 2 to 3 million cats and dogs are euthanized in shelters every year due to overpopulation.

Who would you say is your best friend? You might say a person you go to school with, or someone you have known your entire life. Perhaps some people may say their dog or cat. Dogs and cats are a special part of certain people lives. They are used for medical support as well as a family member. Still the overpopulation of dogs and cats is a huge problem in the United States. Why is it a big problem in the United States, and how can we solve it?

How did overpopulation become the problem it is today? People fail to spay or neuter their dogs or cats. They would use their "family pets" just for breeding and making money. People also continue
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56% of dogs and 71% of cats that enter animal shelters are euthanized, and only 25% of dogs and 24% of cats that enter these animal shelters are adopted. The way euthanizing an animal works is when the veterinarian is ready to administer the euthanasia solution his/her assistant with help hold down the animal, putting a slight amount of pressure on a vein, usually around the forearm. This is allowing the veterinarian to see the vein easily and aids in passing a fine needle into the vein. When it is certain that the needle is within the vein the veterinarian slowly injects the euthanasia solution. Around six to twelve seconds after injecting the solution, the animal will take slightly deeper breathes, grow weaker, and finally lapse into what looks like deep