Many animal die because of neglect and abuse by there owners. It is very sad to see how they treat there animals. Animal have feelings like humans. Animal feel everything even the smallest thing. Many people do not give the the animal any food. Many dog and cat die because nobody give them food. Other people abandon there animal and leave them there to die. Many people do not have the ability to have responsibility for there animal. They do not want to be in charge so the leave them in a lease some far so they can not come back or leave them somewhere.
Many times, animals are purchased as pets, and simply forgotten about. Animals in this situation however do not merely gather dust. They are slowly starved or dehydrated to death, literally bled dry due to parasite infestations, or slowly garroted by their own collars. Many people are so ignorant, they abandon their pet and never take care of them. Then their pet suffer a lot. Then people find