Annotated Bibliography Essay

Words: 537
Pages: 3

Annotated Bibliography
Frimy Frankel
PSY452: Capstone

Thesis Statement
This research paper will be exploring the effects of gym class on children’s concentration levels.
Taylor, A. F., & Kuo, F. E. (2009). Children with attention deficits concentrate better after walk in the park. Journal Of Attention Disorders, 12(5), 402-409. doi:10.1177/1087054708323000
This article examines the impacts of environments on attention in children with ADHD. The results concluded that twenty minutes in a park setting is sufficient to enhance attention performance in children. These findings indicate that environments can elevate attention levels not only in the general population but also in people with ADHD.
This article is relevant to my topic because I am researching what enhances concentration in children. This article will contribute to my research findings because it provides applicable information that is essential in the research process of my particular topic.
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J., & Birch, S. (2012). The efficacy of exercise in enhancing children's reading ability. In M. Duncan, M. Duncan (Eds.), Reviews in pediatric exercise science (pp. 97-113). Hauppauge, NY, US: Nova Biomedical Books.
This article supports the health benefits of physical activity. Data from various studies describe how education can affect the directions that young people choose in life. School administrators and parents may be concerned that increased time assigned for exercise and physical activity may reduce more valuable time that could be spent in the classroom improving performance. This issue has been acknowledged by several studies, which have found that despite a failure to always observe significant academic improvement as a result of physical activity, academic performance was not weakened.
This article is useful for my paper because it supports my hypothesis that physical activity can increase